標題: (轉貼) 上湯生灼牛肉捲 Scalded Beef Rolls in Broth [打印本頁]

作者: 兔兔    時間: 2009-4-4 05:42:28     標題: (轉貼) 上湯生灼牛肉捲 Scalded Beef Rolls in Broth

菜名:         上湯生灼牛肉捲 Scalded Beef Rolls in Broth           

牛肉          1/2 磅(1/2 lb. beef
芫荽          1/2 棵(1/2 stalk Coriander or parsley
清雞湯        2 杯(2 cups of chicken broth
紅椒          1/2 隻切絲(1/2 red chilli(shredded)
西生菜        少許(some lettuce)
韭菜          少許(some chinese green chives)

生抽          1.5 小匙(1.5 tsp light soy sauce
生粉          1.5 小匙(1.5 tsp corn starch
麻油          少許(dash of sesame oil
胡椒粉        少許(pinch of pepper


   1. 牛肉剁至極碎,放入調味料及剁碎的芫荽拌勻;韭菜數條拖水待用。Mince beef and mix well with seasoning and minced coriander. Scald some stalks of chinese green chives and leave for further.

   2. 將西生菜切成小塊,放入約 1/2 大匙碎牛肉,捲成卷狀,用韭菜紮實。Cut lettuce into squares. Put in 1/2 tsp minced beef and wrap into rolls. Bind rolls with chives.

   3. 將清雞湯煮至滾起,放入牛肉捲灼熱,撈起上碟,放上紅椒絲,淋上熱油及醬油少許,即可供食。Bring chicken broth to boil. Put in beef rolls and scald until cooked. Dish up. Sprinkle with shredded red chilli and dash of hot oil. Serve with some soy sauce.

[ 本帖最後由 兔兔 於 2009-4-4 05:44 編輯 ]

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